Who are we?

We are art teachers who know professional development is not always geared towards us. When your content area is not the same as a general education classroom, we get it. One size does not fit all. We’ve worked hard to help ourselves learn and grow as educators in a way that meets the needs of our students. We’re blending the rules to make the professional development we are given work for us. Now, we’re here to help you too.

“The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspective.”

Robert John Meehan

“As educators, especially art educators, we often have to ‘blend the rules’ to fit us.”

Laura Gardner

An elementary art teacher who didn’t grow up or go to school thinking I’d be a teacher! But it definitely worked out. A wife and mom of 2 funny and sweet girls. One thing I can’t resist is stickers! I also love the smell of books (both old and new) and you can find me recharging while wandering around a good bookstore. Audiobooks come to the rescue when the mile high stack of books is still not getting read. Come to my house and you’ll find a million and one art projects and crafty things that have been started and never finished!

Hayley Weeden

Elementary art teacher (used to teach middle school) and always dreamed of being an art teacher. Fun fact, in my fifth grade time capsule I had written I wanted to be an art teacher although never thought about it again until senior year of high school. I’m a wife and dog mom to the sassiest poodle. Home renovation projects, home decorating, crafts and 90s/2000s nostalgia are my jam. Put me in front of my students and I feel like I’m sometimes performing stand up comedy. I love to dance, take long walks with my dog and spend time with my people!