10 Classroom Tips/Tricks

One of my FAVORITE tips! I saw it somewhere on Instagram years ago and have done it ever since. Tape your marker lids together…no more lost marker lids and then it’s obvious if a marker is missing. Caveat: use strong tape and smaller hands might have trouble until they’ve been used often (1-2 weeks of use).

Make a post to answer a frequently asked question! 2 weeks into school and this has worked! Students always ask me if they can sharpen their pencil. I believe rules about this are stricter in a general education classroom and I get so tired of answering that they can or don’t need to ask. Now, I can point to the sign but most have noticed it and don’t end up asking! I have one stationed at my desk and at my pencil sharpener.

Rather than organizing projects by grade level, organize them by day! We’ve both found it makes a huge difference! For example…if all of my first graders are making something that’s kind of big and awkward, that’s a lot of the same type of project to squeeze into one space. Added benefit: if a project goes “missing” or is “lost”, you only need to look for one type of project, not have to dig through the whole drawer.

Use colored tape to color code your tables! Gym floor tape is more on the expensive side but it is harder to pick off and holds up better than most options! When you are ready to remove, it just requires a slower pull and voila no mess!

For a quick formative assessment, make signs for some different ways students can answer how they feel they did that day or how well they followed the concept. Give students a way to indicate which one they feel they fit best and your formative assessment is done! I prefer popsicle sticks that are colored to match their table!

If you’re students tend to act like “Interrupting Chicken”, find a fun light as a visual cue to remind students when it is appropriate to talk. I found this cute, little pear on Amazon for $10!

If your furniture is outdated or doesn’t look as nice as it once did, use contact paper to upgrade it! It’s a fun way to make your room feel new and refreshed!

Personally, I don’t LOVE classroom jobs. Now, tables are going to work together to make sure things are taken care of for their tables. In the example above, students will need to indicate they put their supplies away by flipping up the tab for a quick way for me to see they completed their task!

We both have HUGE windows by our door and it can create a distraction at times or let in too much light when showing a video. To cover those windows you only need Command hooks, a shower curtain and dowel rod. Be sure to check about your fire code requirements. Fabric is usually a no go, but we were able to use fire proofing spray and tag that we sprayed them and they’re good to go!

I was so done with the table bins and things never being in the right place. Two weeks into school and these community carts are working like a charm! A few tables share the cart and pencils and erasers are together on top, markers and crayons in the middle and glue and scissors at the bottom. Any student from those tables are allowed to use those materials and it is so much easier to keep organized with 2-3 tables need to make sure they’re organized.

Keep blending,
