High Achieving Students in Art

High Achieving Students in Art

Episode 8: Podcast Recap

High achieving does not always mean high ability. That’s one thing we also struggle to remember. Just because kids are smart doesn’t mean they will succeed in the art room or every subject. Just because kids are academically lower, doesn’t mean they won’t succeed in other content areas. We often find students that are academically lower tend to be more successful in the art room because they’re using the other side of their brain. It is always so exciting to see those students succeed in a different area.

That being said, students can be high achieving in your room, but maybe not their gen ed classroom. 

There are different strategies to help high achieving students go above and beyond in you room. Some things we like to do are independent studies, Genius Hour, creating dice with activities, adding onto the project, etc. to tailor the learning experience to them and push them more.

Keep blending,

Laura and Hayley