Cross Curricular Skills in the Art Room

Cross Curricular Skills in the Art Room

Episode 17: Podcast Recap

In this episode, we talk about how you can incorporate different subject matters into your art curriculum and lessons. There are many ways you can do this and we talk about some of our favorites as well as important things you might want to keep in mind.

When you first start to add cross curricular content into your art room, you should keep in mind your students and their abilities. Some students who tend to be lower in academic areas could have challenges with doing different content in your room. However, this could also help other students who might struggle in art. They might shine in other ways if they are stronger in different academic areas. That being said, you’ll want to consider how you approach grading when you introduce cross curricular content in your art room. Adjust accordingly for all your different types of students.

Many subjects can be incorporated into your art room, one being the usually dreaded MATH. Measuring things, adding and subtracting, counting, balance and symmetry, shapes and geometry, patterns, etc. Art teachers do these things ALL THE TIME. But you just might not realize you are actually doing math in your art room!

Reading. Reading to your students or having them read about art can work on reading comprehension. So many picture books can be used with art lesson and older students can read about artists and art styles. Keep in mind accommodations for students like reading aloud to them or giving more time. 

Writing. There is a time and place. Writing artist statements, answering questions, taking notes, and making lists about what you see in artworks are all ways to incorporate writing. Change things to work for younger and older students such as using pictures to “write” or giving sentence starters. We have both learned the hard way that you need know what students are capable of with reading and writing! Ha! Ask classroom teachers what a specific grade level is at before planning your activities. 

History and social studies are blended into art when we talk about artists and styles and cultures. See what grade level does a unit on your states history and see what local artists you can teach about! This is really engaging for students. 

Science is also mixed in whenever colors are mixed or different materials are being used. Students love a good art experiment. 

Listen to the full episode to hear all the specifics and fun ways we do cross curricular content in our art rooms!

Keep blending,

Laura and Hayley