Episode 33: Podcast Recap
How many times have you been asked as an art teacher, “How do you grade art?!” I feel like it’s to the point I can’t really keep track. It is a tricky thing and a confusing subject when there are so many different thoughts about grading something like art or music or PE. But as class with a set curriculum, we often have to give grades. So how do we do it? What do we assess? How do we keep track of 600+ students in 6 difference grade levels for the whole school?
In this episode, we talk about these types of questions. We discuss how we assess things like following directions, proper use of materials, connection to the unit, incorporating ideas we teach during the unit, and more. While art is a creative subject and process, we are still in school. If we were not school art teachers, we may base things more off of creativity and exploration. However, we still have rubrics to follow and grades to submit to administrators.
Listen in if you want to hear our own personal opinions and ideas regarding grading in the art room. Maybe you’ll learn a new way to track grades or a new way to think about your students work.
Keep blending,
Hayley and Laura