Making Data Fun!

Making Data Fun!

Episode 4: Podcast Recap

In this episode, we discuss ways we used to data and what it used to look like for us. The more data we were expected to produce for PLC, the more we realized it was just checking a box and not necessarily help us teach better.

We used to pull project grades, share around the table and felt like we had to do an entire grade level. That wasn’t working for us. We started looking into things our students had in common; how they feel about coming to our class, how they feel about their project, understanding the directions, did they enjoy themselves, etc. 

Pulling data for an entire grade level felt like such a big undertaking so we adjusted that as well. We started picking a grade or a class you feel like is really struggling. It helps create more conversation because we know we aren’t trying to compare the exact same information. 

Another thing we struggled with was always feeling like we had to have hard numbers. Fun fact…it doesn’t have to be. We encouraged by our admin when we were stressing to have students raise their hands, thumbs up/thumbs down, etc. and jot down “half of the class”, “a quarter of the students” understood/didn’t understand.

Make your data work for YOU! It should serve a purpose, not just be checking a box. Hoping this helps you not feel like you have to fit into that classroom teacher box.

Keep Blending,

Laura and Hayley