Our Favorite Art Lessons and Processes to Teach

Our Favorite Art Lessons and Processes to Teach

Episode 11: Podcast Recap

With it being the end of the year, we thought it would be fun to go over some of our favorite lessons and processes. This episode is broken down by K-2 and then 3-5, but can be adjusted to fit any grade level. And come on, what 5th grader doesn’t want the chance to do something more simple like the little kids?

As far as processes go, we really like having students use crayons or oil pastels to create a resist and put watercolor over them. The littles think it’s magical and it is so fun to see and hear their reactions. This one applies to all grades, but tends to be most impactful with the younger kids of using an unusual material; straws, cardboard, q-tip, erasers, etc. To them it feels like “breaking the rules” or doing something they shouldn’t which is crazy when your teacher is telling you to!

With projects, it’s always fun to read a book and then make an artwork based on the story or characters. We realized, we often do this with kindergarten, but can be great at any level. Mixed media is interesting for projects and can also be considered a process. To students, it seems a little wild to keep adding or using more than one more material on things but can make their projects so much more unique!

Keep blending,

Laura and Hayley