Relaxing and Prepping Over Summer

Relaxing and Prepping Over Summer

Episode 16: Podcast Recap

Most people will tell you that prepping over the summer for the next school year is important BUT you don’t have to do it right away! If you ask either of us, it is important to have time to yourself during the summer. Hayley always takes an entire month off for the first month of summer. Does nothing school related and uses it to relax. This year, Laura decided to do two weeks of summer art camp right after school was out, which she’d never done before. It was a ton of work, but worth it! And now, she is taking the time off she needs before getting back into school stuff.

During your summer when you are taking that much needed time to rest your mind and body, if you DO have an idea pop into your head, jot it down. Make a list of things to come back to when it is closer to the beginning of the school year. 

Don’t feel like you have to overhaul your classroom every year unless that’s your jam…there’s already plenty to do. Kids are excited to be there no matter what and they won’t care if everything is in tip top shape the first day of school. They probably won’t even notice! Whenever you are ready for a big overhaul and change, that’s when you can do it. 

Not everything needs ready to go for day 1. So don’t worry about prepping everything now during the summer. If you can get your kids creating something on day 1 that’s great. You can establish your first projects for each grade level to start the year, we love doing a school wide collaborative project, something really simple and that can fill in your first week or two of the year. This allows you to get to know new students, make seating charts, get your students back in routine, prep supplies, next projects, etc. 

So overall in this episode, we talk a lot about how you need to take care of yourself over the summer and being intentional about taking a break from work. When it’s time and you’re ready, get priorities in order and start doing a little bit at a time to ease yourself back in! 

Keep blending,

Laura and Hayley