Author: blendingtherulespodcast

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Work/Life Balance

Work/Life Balance

Episode 31: Work/life Balance Podcast Recap We all know life can be tough. And life as a teacher can be tough. Trying to balance your work life and your home life can be a huge struggle and there isn’t always a good answer to solution to it all. In this episode, we discuss our thoughts...

How I Organize for an Art Sub

How I Organize for an Art Sub

I’m currently recovering from a bad spout of “one of those viral things going around you can’t get med for you just have to let run it’s course.” Yeah. Fun. It knocked me out of school for 3 days. THREE DAYS!! To a teacher, that’s like an eternity. It made me think about how I...

Why I DO NOT work on school stuff at home

Why I DO NOT work on school stuff at home

I get it…it’s hard. It’s hard to separate something that is such a big part of you and your personality. But you DO NOT need to take school stuff home. Especially on the weekends…what was that? Yes..not on the weekends. Of course, there are some extreme circumstances where you’ve been out or you feel super...

8 Strategies to Try When Dealing with a Difficult Class

8 Strategies to Try When Dealing with a Difficult Class

We’ve all been there. Your class walks out the door and you let out a huge sigh. You shake your head and you feel like you need to take a break to regroup your own mental and emotional strength. What just happened?! You know you’re a good teacher, so how why is this happening week...

Catching Students Up in Art Class

Catching Students Up in Art Class

Episode 30 – Podcast Recap Any teacher who teaches their subject on a rotation schedule can probably relate to this episode. Not seeing your students one day means you don’t see them for another entire week! The class can get behind other classes and things get thrown off. When an individual student misses a class,...

Help! My student can’t use their dominant hand/arm!

Help! My student can’t use their dominant hand/arm!

Well…unfortunately we’ve probably all been lucky enough to experience that. And I don’t know about you but NOBODY taught me what to do when this happens. Whether it’s a broken finger, hand, wrist, arm, etc. it’s a tough thing to accommodate in the art room. Although I am no expert, I have come up with...

What to do with that grant money

What to do with that grant money

We all know extra money can be hard to come by in the art room when our supplies are consumable and sometimes pricey. In episode 24 of the podcast, we covered ways to get extra funds for the art room (Listen Here). But…what about when you choose to write a grant? What do you do...

5 Tips for Teaching Clay in Elementary Art

5 Tips for Teaching Clay in Elementary Art

Teaching clay in an elementary art classroom…some art teachers love it, some hate it. It can be be overwhelming and stressful. A lot of prep work is needed and clean up also. Because it can get sooooo messy! I want to share some tips with you about how I conquer teaching clay in elementary art...